Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Obamacare Deliberately Written with 33,000 Pages of Regulations To Hide the Truth

Everyone is shocked that the Key Obamacare Architect, Jonathan Gruber, has come out and admitted that the Obamacare legislation was drafted to intentionally be so confusing that the average American public would never know that their healthcare would rise in price and decline in service. Here is the full transcript and a link to the video:
“You can’t do it political, you just literally cannot do it. Transparent financing and also transparent spending. I mean, this bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes. If CBO scored the mandate as taxes the bill dies. Okay? So it’s written to do that,” Gruber said. “In terms of risk rated subsidies, if you had a law which said that healthy people are going to pay in, you made explicit healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed. Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really really critical to get for the thing to pass. Look, I wish Mark was right that we could make it all transparent, but I’d rather have this law than not.”
People do not understand the biggest legal trick of all. When you write legislation or produce documents to a subpoena, you overwhelm them with so much verbiage or documents that nobody will bother to read it and cannot possibly sift through everything. That allows them to hide the evidence so deep nobody will find it. This is what Goldman Sachs did to Congress during the Financial Crisis.“Angelides announced on June 7 that the FCIC had subpoenaed New York-based Goldman Sachs, claiming the company tried to hinder a probe by overwhelming the panel with documents and resisting attempts to interview managers including CEO Lloyd Blankfein.” (see Commission Report).This is what Obama did with healthcare. You will have higher costs. tax whatever they determine is a minimum threshold to increase taxes, and then your premium will soar.
Social Security was written with just 16 pages. The Patriot Act final bill was 342 pages long and changed more than 15 existing laws. Obamacare is the bury-em deep tactic so nobody understands what they did. We have got 33,000 pages of regulations that they’ve already written. If we stacked it up here, it would be seven feet tall. This is the largest piece of legislation in history and it should be totally repealed as a poison pill. Of course, the left-wing communists that run MSNBC can never see anything bad if the Democrats pass something. If a Republican did this, they would be all over it. The sheer tactic of size is deliberate deception and that says it all. Beware of the fine print.
What is the truth this is hiding? The fact that you get less and the hospital get more.

The Future – Desolation or Disneyland?

QUESTION: Marty; I am a converted Goldbug. You have not only saved me from financial ruin, I have made more money shifting to equities in one year than all my losses in metals since 2011. I believe I understand now that it is a shift back and forth between this public and private confidence. This was a truly brilliant observation. I also think I now see how it is not fiat but politicians that are the problem. I feel like such a fool thinking by returning to gold they would suddenly become honest.
My question boils down to simply this. Do you see any hope at the end of this chaos I believe you were destined to be here to help those of us who are not blind, deaf and dumb, see for the first time? What kind of future do my children have?
Thanks so much;
ANSWER: I am glad you have seen the light. You do not need to be a trader  to make money. Just go with the flow. The closer to try to manage your money, the greater your losses. You will second guess your self 5 times. That is what the reversal system is all about. Eliminate the emotions.
As far as the future, I do what I do for my family. Perhaps I am pissing in the wind as they say. It is why I agreed to do the movie. It is why I have agreed to go public and to institutionalize what I built to leave it behind. A friend of mine Sheikh Saud bin Mohammed Al-Thani just died in London. I was just at his home. He flew to my US office here just in the summer and wanted us to domicile the company in Qatar. I am well aware that we all have a shelf-life. So I am doing what I can to leave what I have discovered behind.
If it is possible to make people aware of the truth behind the curtain, then just maybe we can save the day for our children and ourselves became this is coming at us head-on at warp speed now. There will be a turning point coming in history. This is when the big shifts in political systems take place like 1933 that saw Mao, Hitler, and FDR all come to power in one year.

Buying gold and salting it away is not going to cut it if there is no free society to spend it in at the end of the day. You cannot ride this out simply by hoarding gold. Yes, you should have common gold coins for that rainy day. But we also need to make sure the flood gates are closed. As far as when to buy gold – that was laid out in theInternational Precious Metals Outlook. I would not buy prematurely in such a falling market.

The future is a choice between desolation and Disneyland. Every society assumed they would last forever. They could not see their own demise. Prejudice and bias are typically to blame. However, the one thing people as a whole fear most – it is change. They refuse to even consider the possibility of collapse because they do not want to think about change. That is why all systems collapse. Nobody understands it is that very complacency that undermines everything. Why should politicians be honest when the people do not pay attention. So when the cats away – the mice will play.

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