Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Ukraine – The Flash Point for the Cycle of War?

The conflict in Ukraine illustrates how the real issue is the sheer corruption within government. The police are corrupt and are willing to kill their own citizens to preserve their privileged status. The President Viktor Yanukovych is effectively really Russian and cannot even speak proper Ukrainian. We may see this nation torn apart as civil war may erupt between the West and the East. Expect economic sanctions to emerge both from the EU and the United States. As I have explained, Kiev was the first capitol of Russia before Moscow. There is a tremendous symbolic gesture at stake here for Russia as a whole. Instead of the Balkans being the flash point for World War I, pay attention to Ukraine for it is the first step to reestablish the Soviet Union.

This Site will be Down for 1 hours Tomorrow Night – Use the PEI Site

Tomorrow night, between the US hours of 10 – 12 PM EST, we will be performing a kernel update on the server.  We estimate the outage to be approximately 15-30 minutes.  During this time, the website will not be accessible. Please use the Institutional site for the Global Market Watch

Ukraine – More than 100,000 taking to the streets

Ukraine -1-21-2014 c
The protest in Ukraine are getting really out of hand. Even theRussians have now said this is too much. Over 100,000 people have responded with violence as the President ignores the people and the corruption is simply our of control. This is turning into war on the city streets. Here is a video from Reuters.
The President Viktor Yanuckovich comes from the East where they speak Russian, not Ukrainian. When he tries to speak Ukrainian on TV, he does not even get the accent down correctly. This is primarily about corruption. However, his repressive laws against the protesters have only brought out more people who see the country headed back into Communism.

You have no Idea – Is Technology Capable of Reading Minds?

Mapping Brain

To some, they think the NSA is perfectly fine for they respond – I have nothing to hide. However, what if it were not just emails and SMS they intercept, but your thought? Would you still feel the same way? What these people fail to grasp is you cannot hide anything – even your thoughts!
For those who do not believe in psychic abilities, it might be time to open your mind to deeper dimensions. Governments have used psychics to read minds and tell the future. In ancient times they climb the mountains in Greece and went to the oracle at Delphi for her to predict the fate of kings and events. King Croesus of Lydia where coinage first appeared, proclaimed the oracle at Delphi to be the most accurate, since she correctly reported that the king was making a lamb-and-tortoise stew. He then consulted Delphi before attacking Persia, and according to the historian Herodotus, he was advised, “If you cross the river, a great empire will be destroyed.” Croesus heard what he wanted to hear and believed the response was to his favor. Croesus crossed the river and attacked Cyrus the Great, but it was his own empire that ultimately was destroyed by the Persians. Obviously, context is everything.
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the SeaWe all have some sort of psychic ability. Some clearly have more than others. How many times have you thought of someone and suddenly they call? The film Minority Report is worth watching for it is a SciFi film based upon psychics who can predict violent crime and then the thought police arrest the person before they commit the act. This has long been a wish that what-if we could have stopped Hitler before he gained power?
Jules Vern’s Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea was a SciFi novel at its time first published in 1870. It was based on the theory that it would be possible to create a ship that sailed under the sea. Wild idea to most back then. However, a submarine is no big deal today. The film Minority Report also has a scene where stores can scan your eyes and know who you are and greet you.
The Global Market Watch is analyzing the entire world and building a knowledge base extracted from patterns it observes in the world capital flow movements. It searches to patterns and then determines what will follow next. It may sound off the wall to those unfamiliar with programming, but it is now possible to track you and develop patterns. It is possible to create systems that will anticipate you leave your desk every day about 10AM to go get a coffee and thus the coffee maker will already respond to that pattern and the elevator will arrive at the floor knowing you just left your desk and anticipate your next move is to get the coffee.
Already, there is technology that will allow you to control devices with your mind known as mind-reading EEG neuro is working to capture those brain wave patterns that can be harness into using programs. This is moving beyond voice recognition that you can have on you phone, but the next frontier is mind control.
It is now a piece of cake to link people through Facebook creating circles of friends and then predict your likes and dislikes from your associations. But you can log in to your account somewhere from a laptop, a desktop at work of home, and from your smart phone. It is easy to then see all the devices you have.
You have no idea where this is all going. The NSA is just the beginning. The revelations so far have stunned the world. They can fly above and zero in on anyone. Spy satellites can zoom in and see you working in the backyard. You can wear a mask and face recognition can still accurate identify you. If anyone in your family is arrested for anything, a DNA sample is a map to your entire family. Yes, they can even read patterns in your mind. There is no putting this back in the bottle.

Demands for Political Reform in Thailand Growing

The uprising against political corruption in Thailand is rising now quite steadily. Even the healthcare workers are joining in demanding postponing the February elections and instituting political reform. The army has a history of stepping in but so far have stood by.
We are seeing a rising trend against political corruption on a global scale. The livelihood of the next generation cannot be ensured in the least. This whole issue is going to erupt of the global canvas of political change in the years ahead.

Gold Confusion – Part II

Some people have written saying there is no “July” contract inCOMEX. Actually, there is ALWAYS a current month contract for that is the SPOT month. It is just that the futures tend to skip a month for active traders so there was a June and then they jump to August. However, there always has to be a current “deliverable” month for that is how you can sell the commodity for cash.

Confusion in Gold

The collapse in interest rates has led to a very unstable environment as far as the traditional interest and carrying cost for gold and other commodities. Of course people have made a big deal out this BACKWARDATION claiming it is a sign of real bullishness and manipulation. In truth, it is simply the interest and carrying costs. In the 1970s, we showed our Arab clients who could not earn “interest” that they could buy gold and sell it forward and collect the spread that was effectively the interest rate plus costs. This is what gave depth to the future market as it was in its infancy in 1975.
The problem we have now is the interest rates have collapsed and we are getting wild swings in the spread. Using the standard method of calculating “spot” gold; full movement was always a matter of taking the spot closing and subtracting that spread to the nearest futures closing from the open, high, and low.
June 28th, 2013 was one of those wild days. The spot actually closed at 1192 that day and the August closing was 1223.7 producing a crazy spread of $31.70. Since the August low was 1179.40 would actually produce 1147.70 as a low. If we look at July gold, the low was 1183.20 and the close was 1223.80. Subtracting the spot closing of 1192 produces a spread of $31.80. Subtract that from the July low produced 1151.40.
By the method we have always employed taking the nearest futures (July) and subtracting the spot produces the “interest free” price. So on this basis, the target of 1150 was developed. It is very debatable if the June 28th low is the real low since August gold was 1179.40 lower than the July or is the December 31st low really it? This is causing two different cyclical perspectives for turning points.

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