Tuesday, December 24, 2013


Crime Rises With Economic Decline As Does Nationalism – It is a Direct Correlation

Your story (of the little girl) tears at my heart.  However, it is one thing to feel sorry for her, but another to do something to actually help her.
A few years ago, we adopted three little girls who were born to drug addict parents.  I wonder how difficult it would be to start a home for runaways.  Having gone through the adoption process I know it might be difficult working with CPS.
I wonder…
Dear Mr. Martin,
You are so very correct…..compassion is not a sin and we certainly need more of that in this dog eat dog world.  If only more of the ones in the highest places had compassion on others we wouldn’t see such insane greed and disinterest in the masses.  They really need a “Scrooge Event” to wake them up.
Have a very Merry Christmas!
REPLY: It was not my intention to get into a conversation about religion etc. I believe in the freedom to believe. However, “crime”is part of the cycle as well and we do input those statistics as well. When you correlate crime, it moves with the ECM and the more you seem to try to outlaw something, the worse it actually gets. Why? Prohibition funded the Mafia. They a fortune on booze.
Capone Al

Al Capone
How many people died over trying to enforce Prohibition? They even made a song about the Night Chicago Died. The more you try to outlaw, statistically the worse it seems to get. It is the same in trading. The more cautious someone is, the more they micro manage, and the result is the more they lose because they are trying to be conservative.
Here is a chart distinguishing between violence and property crimes. As this Private Wave began, property crimes have declined. They rose during the Great Depression and they will be on the rise again after 2015.75.
Having a number of young girls who work for me and it is at times necessary that they travel, I have to be mindful of the atmosphere. Girls are being kidnapped in South Europe as economic conditions get worse. Girls have been kidnapped from London. You may be shocked, but the trend has moved to the United States and young black girls are being kidnapped in Washington, DC for the sex-trade. It is so bad in India in some places, foreign girls are placed on women only floors in some hotels and are guarded 24/7.
I have to be protective of staff and ensure that someone is there to meet them when they land. I may be just an employer, but I am responsible for their well-being when they have to travel. This is the world we live in and as the economy turns down in many places the risks increase.
The evidence the comes out from global correlations illustrates that suddenly gun control is urgent yet we are a lows not highs. This has nothing to do with helping people or making the streets safer. This is about controlling the people when the shit-hits-the-fan as they say.

Gold The Real Long-Term View & Year-End Indicator


Spot Gold 1789 – 2012
Here is gold in NOMINAL dollars back to the start of the USA in 1789. Taking the 1869 high and the 1980 high, the support starts in the 1100 level. But the oscillators are high and that was another confirmation that what goes up must come down. The closing for gold BELOW 1400 for year-end will confirm lower prices into next year.
We will include a view of the precious metals in the Cycle of War & Sovereign Debt Crisis Conference March 21st in Philadelphia. This will be an important session for the average person. To survive anything, you FIRST must identify what it is. With the Cycle of War hitting in 2014, this is going to be a very important period in all our lives.


QUESTION: I was recently in London and the discussion turned to you. It was suggested that Warren Buffet was behind trying to destroy Princeton Economics after you cost him on his billion silver deal. Do you think that is true?
ANSWER: I have no idea. I know people reviewed the case in London and relayed to me that the whole thing looked like it was “stitched-up”. It is hard to ignore the fact that the contracts were buying portfolios – not solicitation for managed accounts. I do believe there are two faces to Buffet. As far as his involvement in the Princeton affair – I really have no idea. All I can say is the press love to paint him as the White Knight and he claims derivatives are weapons of mass destruction. Yet, he plays far outside the field of equities as the $1 billion silver fiasco demonstrated. However, Buffet is no way a plain equity-value investor and why the press looks the other way is anyone’s guess. Here is a document from a court proceeding with the Bates number attached from Bloomberg News. It states what is known that Buffet travels in circles different from the image portrayed. What that means, is anyone’s guess.

You Never Know

COMMENT: You are right.  Christ did say that but also added “go and sin no more”.

The Movie - Taken
REPLY: Yes. It is not defending what someone does, but it is giving them the opportunity to change assuming the conduct is even voluntary. If they do not change, that is on them. This would apply to a prostitute or a banker. In business, I have found that J.P Morgan was correct. He would not lend money to a dishonest person with all the collateral in the world, for he will still cheat you. Someone who twists things around in their mind to justify themselves taking another’s property, is still rotten to the core and all the money they gather cannot wipe the stench from their character.
You cannot regulate honesty, morals, or character. They either have it or they do not. Legalizing prostitution will
  • (1) end abuse of runaways, and
  • (2) end the kidnapping of girls who are then forced into the sex-trade.
The movie Taken illustrates the issue that 4 million people are abducted and 80% are females sold into the sex-trade. Sure, kidnapping is illegal – big deal. It does not stop the practice. In the Balkans, where marriages are often still arranged, men pretending to be willing husbands take girls for wives and then sell them into the sex-trade and go back for another. All the laws in Christendom will not stop prostitution be it voluntary or girls sold into sex-slavery. Regulate it and you will destroy the traffic industry just as ending prohibition ended the speak-easy. Then perhaps it will be reduced to at least voluntary rather than involuntary.
Nevertheless, it is a paradox. To end something, you have to legalize it. Make it ILLEGAL, and you fund the very industry based on the illegal premium. Legalize drugs and you will end the violence on the streets except for the real crazy people. Regulate the drugs to ensure people get help. Make something illegal, and many people will try it just to be fashionable. I have known potheads, as they were called, who spent $1,000 a month to stay high. All the laws you can invent will not prevent it, but legalize it and you will discover who is the addicted pothead just like an alcoholic.
So I do not defend what someone does, I am just not willing to judge them assuming what they do is even voluntary. Everyone deserves a chance, and some need a hand or at least guidance. Compassion is not a sin.

The Practical Solution

Some have written that my view on Prostitution may be worldly, but not religious. I have always taken the view just as Matthew 7:1 states “Do not judge, or you too will be judged.” People will be people.  That is why there is a heaven and hell for both types. However, the young girls that are runaways are being abused by parents. They turn to Prostitution to survive lacking support or money. It is an old adage, that even a starving honest man will steal to eat. Making anything illegal accomplishes nothing and in this case endangers these young girls even more. Prostitution is illegal in NYC – yet there are plenty of girls soliciting people midtown – not back streets.
There has to be some sort of rational way to help. Making a law does not do the trick. If prostitution was legal, then they have to get a license and you can try to help for then you know who they are. Otherwise, they are nameless.
Christ defended the prostitute and said “He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.”
Desperate people do desperate things. Making something illegal will never eliminate it – only hide it behind a mask. I try to understand why things develop for that is the only way to a practical solution.

2014 Conferences

2014 Seminars
We will be accepting Reservations and Payments Starting January 1st, 2014 for the Training Conference March 23rd, and the World Economic Conference March 25 & 26.

See Upcoming Conferences

The Cycles of War & Sovereign Debt Crisis Conference will include a special over-view of the Precious Metals  and when will the next Bull Market actually begin. Those looking to attend only that conference in Philadelphia, March 21st, 2014, may sign up now. $250

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