Friday, August 30, 2013

Paul Craig Roberts: America Totally Discredited

...the United States government has lost its credibility throughout the world and will never regain it, unless the Bush and Obama regimes are arrested and put on trial for their war crimes.

Obama’s destruction of US credibility goes far beyond diplomacy. It is likely that this autumn or winter, and almost certainly in 2014, the US will face severe economic crisis.

When the proverbial hits the fan, the incompetent and corrupt Federal Reserve and the incompetent and corrupt US Treasury will have no more credibility than Obama and John Kerry. 

The rest of the world--especially Washington’s bullied NATO puppet states--will take great delight in the discomfort of “the world’s sole superpower” that has been running on hubris ever since the Soviet collapse. 

The world is not going to bail out Washington, now universally hated, with currency swaps, more loans, and foreign aid. Americans are going to pay heavily for their negligence, their inattention, their unconcern, and their ignorant belief that nothing can go wrong for them and that anything that does is temporary. 


Will Obama Doom Himself As A War Criminal by Paul Craig Roberts
(at the bottom of the above article)

If Obama is pushed by Susan Rice and the evil neocons, who are strongly allied with Israel, into going it alone and conducting a military strike on Syria, Obama will have made himself an unambiguous War Criminal under the Nuremberg Standard created by the US Government. 

Unprovoked military aggression is a war crime under international law. That is completely clear. There are no ifs or buts about it.

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