Friday, August 16, 2013

Dissent, Disappointment and Draconian Rule: Bradley Manning's Plea and the Fight to Be Human

CHRIS FLOYD WRITES ANOTHER POWERFUL ARTICLE THAT SHOULD BE READ FAR AND WIDE (oh, and be sure to read the comments section,especially comments by Grandma Sheila and Duwayne Josephsson. This is a truly intelligent website with intelligent commentors.)

Reality in such systems -- systems that have openly demonstrated their willingness to torture people, lock them up for years without trial or kill them outright at the arbitrary order of the leader and his minions -- is not a TV show, not a movie with well-marked 'character arcs' ending in triumph for the bruised but unbowed hero. It's a dirty, ugly, degrading business, an uneven fight, pitting unarmed truth against vast, implacable, dehumanizing forces of violent domination. It is a war with many bitter defeats, both outwardly and in the souls of those caught up in it. It involves loss, destruction, humiliation, torment, ruin and doubt. There are no "heroes" in it, only human beings: some of them fighting to hang on to their humanity as best they can -- and others who have surrendered their humanity to the forces of domination. 

Bradley Manning doesn't have to be a "hero." He doesn't have to make a stirring speech to give people a vicarious thrill for a moment before they click over to check their Facebook page or pop in another box set. He has shown clearly that he stands on the side of humanity -- and now he is paying the price for it. The very fact of his case has revealed the true nature of the system arrayed against him, and against us.


Duwayne Josephsson 
"People want to be respectful. They refuse to go down the road I travel. 
Please, name one POTUS from Washington to W. Bush where a US soldier
 POW was tortured by Executive Order. Fill me in because while it may have
 happened I have never heard of it. Did Nixon do this?
Bradley Manning is not the only victim of this POTUS. What about 
Lynne Stewart? POTUS refuses to allow her a parole request for 
compassionate release. What was her crime? Defending those the US has 
accused of being terrorist?
Punk. He's a Punk and that's too nice. The buck does not stop with 
Manning and Steward.
Remember Troy Davis? Facing execution in Georgia with world support 
for a stay. Not a single word from Holder or Obama.
From Jan. 20, 2008, there has been nothing but the verbal equivalent of 
fecal matter dropping from the mouth of Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden
 and now John Kerry enough to make one nostalgic for Dick Mother-Fucking
Yeah, I been there. No not on the grand stage like Manning but I have had 
the power of the federal-state combine with a corporation to kick my ass. 
I know what it feels like to go into a deposition with only my attorney and 
face 15 witnesses a corporation has paid to testify against me while anyone 
who would support my side feared for their jobs. I have been a victim of a 
corporation, state and federal govt. (YES, during the term of Bill Clinton) 
which blatantly ignored its own laws and rules to eliminate all my rights to 
where I could no longer get hired as a nurse and strangely not get hired with
 any Fortune 500 type corporation in fields unrelated to nursing or 
Not on the grand stage but close enough to where I can have legitimate 
Yes! I am the Cassandra of Troy of today. Yes, I saw this Punk coming. And 
yes I am damn angry over the naivete and vanity which were the 2 main 
reasons this Punk was voted into office! And yes I am angry about so many 
people refusing to see this for what it is for no other reason other than their 
ego refusing to admit they made a grave mistake. This is not about Jackie 
Robinson. This 'aint' about the first Negro mayor of some major city.
This Punkass piece of shit is what I said he is. A Black man comes out of 
nowhere based on a corny-ass speech in 2004 and by 2008 becomes POTUS
! That Horatio Alger story has never happened to a White man. Name one 
White man who has come up from obscurity and in 4 years of national 
exposure become POTUS. This Punk's life has been scripted to serve a 
purpose that is not in the interest of virtually every single person who voted 
for him. He's countered every political position held by these persons who 
believed in a Dream.
Hey. Example. My Oprah Winfrey loving ex-wife (we are still close friends) 
What angers her? She's mad at Clint Eastwood from insulting the POTUS!!!!
 This is typical. I have shared personal examples of people I know who see 
nothing this Punk is doing that is wrong. They make every excuse.
You dont know my ex or my proud neighbors who get quiet when I go off on 
this Punk so let me use an example of a public figure. One who claims to be 
a 'speaker of truth to power.'
Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam considered himself to be a personal 
friend of Muammar Qaddhafi. He blamed everyone but Obama for his 
murder. He stated 'people had led our brother astray.' Now he claims to be a
 prophet but he did not see Obama's assault on Libya coming.
This is not a matter if you like or dislike Farrakhan. He is an example of an 
ego which refuses to admit they are wrong. 
Cornel West is the only one who admits to being wrong, and he is careful to 
qualify it. I make a distinction between his criticisms of Obama and those of
 Tavis Smiley, even though they do it often on the same forum. West's angst
 is based on his wounded ego. The Obama campaign did not get VIP 
Inaugural seats for West and his mother. West should have known about 
Obama based on his faculty position at Harvard. How many Blacks are at 
Harvard? He campaigned for Obama and felt a personal insult to his ego. 
That's what is driving his position but its better than nothing. Tavis is coming 
from a more honest position but both are being ostracized by Black Group-Think.
Obama has consistently carried out Reaganism adjusted for post-911 hysteria.

People did not do their homework. As I am Cassandra of Troy, Obama is the 
ultimate Trojan Horse. He was created to infiltrate Black society in Chicago 
and appear to be a Friend of the Working Classes. Everything about his life 
is contrived to fool the people who would become his suckers and, and most
 importantly, he is not an example of someone who did this alone on the 
agenda of his ambition and abilities. Obama is indeed the first Android to 
become POTUS. I dont want to repeat myself on this issue but he was 
engineered to serve us up.
OK, now hopefully by this time, you have come up with another POTUS who
 has tortured a US soldier being held in custody. Hopefully by now you have 
come up with another Lynn Steward.
Oh, and lets not forget the disgrace of Helen Thomas happened under his 
watch. This woman was destroyed for being concerned about her people in 
an unguarded moment. You go ahead and believe this was not a covert 
operation to remove the one journalist who had the integrity and courage to
 question Obama at a press conference. Here in her native Detroit, Wayne 
St. University, cancelled all of the honors they were to give her for service 
based on her 'anti-Semitic' remarks about Israel. Never-mind she was a Semite!
He's an Android.
He's a Punk.
He's exposed Hillary Clinton and John Kerry.
I tell you George W. Bush is laughing his head off because here is the 
exposure of the 3 leading Democratic Party candidates for POTUS as heavy-
handed Frauds. They are worst then George W. Bush and Dick Cheney 
because they blunted the revolution that could have reformed the abuses of 
that regime but they have proven to be more efficient and obnoxious.
Look at the power-puff response of Obama in regards to Trayvon Martin and
 then look at the arrogance to sit and order drone strikes while torturing a 
whistle-blower and refusing to give a dying woman a compassionate release 
from federal prison.
In the words of the late Malcolm X "You been bamboozled, hoodwinked." 
People here and a few other places know but for the masses of Groupies 
posing as voters, the personality cult of Obama has us further along the road
 to totalitarianism 1984. Big Brother has indeed arrived, in Blackface with 
solid Black support. Excuse me for being angered and fearful of where this 
Judas Goat is leading us. I see the future of Blacks being blamed for what is 
coming down from the actions and the fact of Obama's presidency and it 'aint' good."

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