Monday, March 25, 2013


US Civil War Started Because of Territorial Jurisdiction

Scott Dred (1795–1858)
Most people have heard about the famous Dred Scott decision by the Supreme Court that led to the US Civil War. It was a decision that showed how the court, dominated by Southern pro-slavery judges, bent the law to keep what their friends wanted.
Dred Scott was an African-American slave who had asked a United States Circuit Court to award him his freedom because he and his master had resided in a state (Illinois) and a territory (Wisconsin Territory) where slavery had been banned. Chief Justice Roger Taney, writing for the court, held that Scott, as a person of African ancestry, was not a citizen of the United States and therefore had no right to sue in federal court. This holding was so off the wall and contrary to the whole concept of Territorial Jurisdiction.
Once the Supreme Court abandoned all rule of law, all that was left was Civil War. The rationale of the Supreme Court regarding the jurisdictional ruling implied that people of African descent (both slave and free) were not protected by the Constitution and were not U.S. citizens. Since passage of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, both rulings are superseded and no longer valid precedent. Nonetheless, the case retains historical significance as it is widely regarded as the worst decision ever made by the Supreme Court. The opinion of the court, written by Chief Justice Roger B. Taney, was 7–2, and every Justice besides Taney wrote a separate concurrence or dissent.
This is the danger we face regarding this greed for taxes. A free-for-all and total collapse of the economy.

Taxing the Internet UNCONSTITUTIONAL

Just Us
When it comes to law, 95% of lawyers are simply creatures of statutory law. Then there is the RARE constitutional lawyer and even the RARER Admiralty Lawyer who deals in the laws of nations. This idea of allowing all the states to tax everyone and force upon business the obligation to collect all these taxes for which they are NOTpaid to do, is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and violates every principle of law. This is the very fabric upon which civilization is constructed. For all those who wish to stand up and fight, here is the way to do it. It is a short piece everyone should understand and then you can see what government is really doing to society.

Economic Evolution

Evolution of Man 1
The economy also evolves like man. Aristotle complained that a market economy was changing the lifestyle of society for once farmers realized they could sell excess crops Athens began to change with bankers, shipping, insurance, etc. The railroad connecting the east and west coasts gave birth to mail order as Sears introduced a catalogue and goods could be shipped anywhere.
The invention of the automobile put buggy makers out of business. England lost the edge on the Industrial Revolution because it enacted laws to protect the buggy makers. It was the English oligarchy that destroyed the British economy and today it is the greed of those in government.
How did the oligarchy destroy Britain? The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain but the oligarchy killed the trend. Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot (1725-1804) demonstrated his fardier à vapeur (“steam dray”), an experimental steam-driven artillery tractor, in 1770 but it proved to be impractical. New innovation shifted to Britain where the Industrial Revolution began. However, by 1784, William Murdoch (1754-1839) had built a working model of a steam carriage, which was probably the first steam locomotive but without tracks. It may have been English regulation that inspired tracks. Murdoch was also the inventor of gas lighting. In 1801 Richard Trevithick (1771–1833) built a full-sized functioning road locomotive known as the “Puffing Devil”. These early vehicles came at the dawn of the Industrial Revolution.
Naturally, these early attempts began to show potential for mass transit, until a backlash unfolded with the enactment of the Locomotive Act (1865), which required self-propelled vehicles on public roads in the United Kingdom to be preceded by a man on foot waving a red flag and blowing a horn. Clearly, these early attempts that would have put England on the map were effectively killed by legislation orchestrated by the status quo of the English Oligarchy. Britain would not regain that status as the Industrial Revolution shifted to America and continental Europe. Inventors and engineers abandoned the idea of creating automobiles and turned to improving railway locomotives instead. The British oligarchy stopped the innovation square in its tracks. They did remove the need for the red flag in 1878 and finally went on to abolish the law entirely only in 1896 due to the fact that automobiles were becoming far more common in America and Germany leaving Britain behind in the stone age. Similarly, President George Bush, Jr. banned stem cell experimentation that led to such developments leaving the United States. In this case, the religious right has stopped the innovation. It is always the oligarchy that influences government to support their status quo.
The internet expanded and killed local stores and is killing newspapers. Computer stores are almost non-existent and one must go to the internet to get real computers. So now the States are trying not to be “fair” to consumers, but it is their perspective in wanting taxes that is not “fair”. This claim that this is not a new tax because it is on the books, well so is adultery that remains a felony on many states. Shall we lock up everyone for 10 years who has either cheated or had premarital sex since that would not be a new law either? Perhaps give everyone tickets for failure to keep right when driving.
ANYTHING that collects money that was not collected before is a new tax.
Government is now going to destroy the economy and it will be headed lower because politicians are incapable of managing government or the economy.

The Tax-Free Internet Shopping Era May Be Over

Taxes – taxes & more taxes. The greedy people in Washington who are no more representatives of the people than a frog can live worry free in France, are coming up with their usual bullshit naming laws opposite of what they really are to hide their anti-citizen perspective. They are introducing the Marketplace Fairness Act as part of the budget. They claim this is not a NEW tax, just that they are enforcing “use” taxes of 45 States. ANYONE who votes for this should be denied office!!!! They are destroying the US consumer economy with a single vote. If you wanted to know what will turn the economy down – here it is.
Consumers who shop online for many reasons will now be taxed in a free-for-all to support pension of people who work for the states who have been promised FAR MORE than you will ever get. The problem is the overhead on small business and how will they collect all these taxes from all these states and pay them. AMAZON is supporting this because this will kill any competition and given them a comparative advantage preventing small business from rising killing jobs in the USA. They should call this bill the ANTI-CONSUMER & Small Business Bill. AMAZON is obviously too big for their own good and have forgotten what made them a success. They are destroying the online business after putting local competition out of business.
This illustrates the entire problem. These people in Washington are NOTrepresentatives of the people, they are GOVERNMENT and could care less about the people or the economy and are far too stupid in matters of economics for they only see government power. They fail to appreciate the overhead involved in trying to comply with this nonsense.
We are cattle to be milked until we die, and then our children have to pay on what is left. They never get enough and now they will further reduce the economy by over-regulating the internet. Small business who fails to collect taxes will be imprisoned, their assets confiscated, and their person will be extradited around the country. Lawyers will do well for all the extra imprisonment and the bean counters will be be able to charge outrageous fees trying to comply with 45 states. The United States imprisons more people than the rest of the world combined. Liberty & Justice for all have become slogans of propaganda. There is NO law passed without imprisonment if you do not comply. In a society as corrupt as we have, the only place for a honest man becomes prison.
These smug people who support this attack upon the economy should be voted out of office. This is FAR MORE than just a tax. You cannot subject online business to 45 tax collectors with different laws. This will be real chaos and it precisely the end of the US economic consumer driven economy.

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