Saturday, March 30, 2013

Obama's signing of Monsanto Protection Act proves he will betray progressives, too

The internet has erupted into a fury over Obama's signing of the so-called "Monsanto Protection Act," a rider to a federal appropriations bill that hands Monsanto the power to nullify the decisions of federal courts. If the courts decide that a genetically engineered crop is dangerous to the public or the environment, it can no longer order Monsanto (or any other company) to stop planting the crops. Instead, the law mandates the Secretary of Agriculture to issue permits and deregulation orders that allow the "continued cultivation, commercialization and other specifically enumerated activities" even if a crop is deemed to be causing a plague or unleashing dangerous genetic pollution.

The actual language of the bill is barely-recognizable lawyerspeak, of course, but it's not difficult to see how it will be interpreted by a federal government which routinely conspires with Monsanto and the biotech industry to sneak GMOs into the food supply.

Judge Obama on his actions, not his speeches

That brings me back to the success of internet activism in exposing this rider. I'm not sure who deserves the credit for finding this first, but the story spread like wildfire and is still raging through the minds of American voters who are steaming mad about being deceived by Obama over the issue of GMOs.

But what did they expect? Has Obama ever done anything substantial to counteract the rise of corporate power and the erosion of individual liberties in America? At every turn, this is the president who seizes executive power, eviscerates individual liberties, assaults the Bill of Rights, tramples on Congress, expands illegal secret prisons and openly admits to creating "kill lists" naming Americans who should be assassinated each week. Due process is no longer even part of the equation because the Obama administration says, "We're the good guys." Trust us to kill who we want without presenting any evidence whatsoever, nor even charging the targeted people with crimes. Can you imagine the outcry from the left if Bush had attempted the exact same thing?

Somehow, Obama has gotten away with all this because he's a convincing speaker. He's hypnotic, handsome and sounds believable. He gets people emotionally riled up, and no matter how bad things look in the real world, there's nothing that another emotion-saturated speech won't solve, Obama thinks.

speaking and doing are two different things. Obama is great at the "speaking" part, but he's a fascist corporatist dictator on the "doing" part. He talks a good game on freedom and abundance but delivers enslavement and poverty. What he says and what he does are polar opposites, making Obama our first official "bipolar President."

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