Sunday, October 21, 2012


GT sez:

I have to wonder how much Anderson Cooper and the CBS 60 minutes crew was paid to attempt to portray Greg Smith, the Goldman Sachs employee who wrote the OpEd piece on Why I left Goldman Sachs, as a 'disgruntled' employee and someone who 'betrayed' Goldman Sachs.
Smith pointed out how GS bet against the very products they sold to their clients and held their clients in contempt calling them 'Muppets' and spoke of them with derision.
Smith has now written a book of the same name as the OpEd.
Anderson Cooper, a pathetic sellout to reality TV and celebrity, even interviewed a professor from San Diego who stated he felt that Wall Street felt no sense of dis-ease from the book because it made no specific claims of fraud on the part of Goldman Sachs and/or other Wall Street institutions.
CBS 60 minutes has a long history of disparaging those who might fight against the powers that be by questioning their motives, a simple way of implying that those who protest against the injustices of the elite controllers of society have some ulterior motive they are hiding behind their protests.
This is beyond despicable and further goes to show you that you should treat anything you hear, read or see in the Mass Media, now controlled by the government approved elite owners of those media channels, as propaganda  and should be consumed with not only great suspicion as to its veracity, but perhaps should also consume a dose of Ipecac (Ipecac syrup is a medicine that causes vomiting) so as to be doubly sure that you don't swallow the complete bullshit we are now being constantly fed by those in charge of the massive environment of propaganda we are being submerged in at all hours of the day.

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