Wednesday, May 30, 2012

GARY NORTH BULLSHIT: Making Food Stamps More Tasty Politically


"Let's see now....all you righteous folks who are against a program that keeps people from starving because the government YOU ALL ALLOWED TO EXIST due to your lack of GETTING INVOLVED in your local, state and Federal politics that has driven the ENTIRE POPULATION into poverty (YES, you will soon be in poverty when the economy collapses)  by supporting criminal, thieving banksters and corporations that give their top management outrageous bonuses even when they lose money and politicians who SELL THEMSELVES TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER now think you are so ABOVE IT ALL that you can call your fellow citizens a drain out of your pocket. I wonder if ANY OF YOU realizes just how much YOU ARE SUBSIDIZED in your life style by the government edicts that  give YOU tax breaks and/or incentives that  allow you your lifestyle.
How many of you who employ others are willing to pay them a living wage or treat them like human beings. Not many I suspect. But you're always complaining how your costs are increasing. But that's because YOU ALLOW this government to print money until all outstanding money loses value requiring suppliers to raise their prices to maintain the same income. So instead of raising YOUR PRICES, you CHISEL YOUR EMPLOYEES on their wages or lay them off thus reducing THEIR ABILITY TO CONSUME.
Educate yourselves about Austrian Economics at MISES.ORG and other websites that speak THE TRUTH about economics and HOW THE WORLD REALLY WORKS.
As to Gary North...Gary is a RELIGIOUS RIGHT WING CONSERVATIVE ZEALOT who would probably let his mother starve if she was down and out and asked for a handout, just like people who are down and out of luck through NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN are doing when they are starving and can't feed their kids.
I have no qualms about limiting the type of foods that people should be able to buy with food benefits to only basic meats and vegetable and baking goods for bread as long as it's not limited to hamburger (total fat crap tainted with E Choli) or Spam. Packaged foods in boxes are mostly CRAP, but canned and frozen foods are okay, frozen being best, but many poor folks don't have a freezer to buy in bulk.
Pretty soon most of you righteous complainers are going to be starving with the rest of the poor. YOU JUST DON'T KNOW IT YET BECAUSE YOU ARE STUPID, UNEDUCATED AND BIGOTED AND THINK YOU ARE BETTER THAN OTHERS!

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