Friday, April 27, 2012

10 Disgusting Examples Of Very Young School Children Being Arrested, Handcuffed And Brutalized By Police



After reading most of these comments, I am so glad I never got married or had children.
It wasn’t by choice though. I was just lucky that the girls I asked to marry me listened to their mothers instead or were unfaithful to me.
Then, for the rest of my life, I just could never afford to be married or could never find anyone that wanted to do what it took to be in an honest relationship with me.
I would hate it, now that I am almost 68 and very disabled, to be married to someone who didn’t love me and have children that didn’t respect me.
I lived through the tail-end of ‘the good old days’ and it wasn’t all that great either, but we had a fairly good economy in the fifties when I started my early years of schooling, but things started to fall apart with the assassination of Kennedy and the Vietnam War when it was obvious that our government was filled with liars and self aggrandizing thieves. And it’s only gotten worse until we are where we are now…a vicious society of selfish, arrogant stupid, unworldly people with outlandishly over sized EGOs who think we are the chosen people who have the god given right to lord it over all other peoples and nations.
Most of the people in my age bracket are the parents of the children who had this current crop of kids who are disrespectful and out of control.
Our government has created such a horrible system through inflation of our medium of exchange (money) that parents are now working so long (if they are fortunate to even have some type of income source) that they don’t have the time to have a family life. That and TV and modern music like RAP has influenced the kids to disrespect anyone with any life experience (meaning their elders) who could teach them history and explain the past mistakes prior generations have made.
But the fact that history does repeat itself seems to be true even though we now have almost all human knowledge at our fingertips with the internet and should now be able to quickly ‘educate’ ourselves and our young to be effective participants in the world.
The ultimate truth of the matter is that the psychopaths that have gained control of the halls of power throughout the world have a plan that has been in the works for decades if not centuries to rule the world, and part of that plan is to ELIMINATE BILLIONS OF US due to overcrowding and resource allocation of limited resources.
We are all now considered just sheep to be funneled down a chute either to be used as slave labor, or exterminated in the near future.
Economic collapse has been engineered and is now impossible to avoid which will cause worldwide violence as starving hoards, including the rich eventually, battle one another for the remaining scraps of food and materials.
This planet will survive, even a nuclear holocaust, as will many plants and animals, but human kind may not, and probably should not as it has become a plague on all other life forms since it came into being, and I don’t believe the Adam and Eve story is how it happened.
Whatever the Big Plan is that whatever force or power created for all of us, and this thing called life that we are experiencing, we here now may never know unless there is a hereafter. And NO ONE KNOWS FOR SURE if there is one.
You’ll just have to find out.
Until then, why is it we can’t treat one another with courtesy and respect for one another’s individual dignity as human beings and having value that can be shared by all?
And why is it that we SHEOPLE can’t join together and take down these CRIMINAL SOCIOPATHS that have gained control of the system (temporarily I might add, as they will suffer the collapse with the rest of us eventually.)
We’re all going to die eventually, so what are you all afraid of?
You love to call people heroes for doing some of the simplest acts of courage for simply doing the right thing that you would think a human being would be inclined to do in an emergency.
Why not be a hero and stand up for right, freedom and liberty as was intended by the men and women who founded this country?
Voting for Ron Paul may be our last chance to slow this disaster down. And even he may not be able to do it given our governments proclivity to kill those who try to stop the greedy criminals who are now milking us all for every last cent and asset we have and herding us all to our deaths.

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