Friday, April 29, 2011

MONTY GUILD: U.S. Economy — The Big Picture
"Looking ahead, we expect the standard of living decline to continue for up to another seventeen years. Our economy and society are substantially changed, but the change to date is moderate compared to the magnitude of change ahead. In 2018, the U.S. will be a much poorer country than it was in 2008.

We envision the average family spending a higher percentage of income on food and shelter. People will retire at 75 years of age…not 65. Many may not be able to retire. Many retirees will have to re-enter the work force as their savings and pensions are diminished in buying power. The streets will be filled with more poor and homeless. The dollar will continue its decline. Gold and other commodities will continue to rise in price. All of these are symptoms of a decline in the public’s standard of living. Unfortunately, we expect it to last for quite a while."

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