Sunday, October 10, 2010


Posted: Oct 09 2010     By: Jim Sinclair      Post Edited: October 9, 2010 at 5:12 pm
Filed under: General Editorial
My Dear Friends,
This is not an exaggeration. If anything, it might be an understatement.
I told you about this last week as a class action with a RICO statute was filed against servicers acting for international investment banks foreclosing on loans that represented the collateral for securitized mortgage debt, a fraudulent OTC derivative.

The banksters tried to sneak through a bill that would make their criminal actions legal. The screams were heard in the White House and before the bill passed all its requirements the President vetoed it. That occurred even before the bill had completed its required procedures.
We are now in Crisis #2 which can eclipse anything you have seen yet because of the size of the creation of this pariah in the OTC derivative disaster.

This will not pass quietly.

It is going to tear the dickens out of what is left of the financial firms that brought the horror to the Western World. It will be orders of magnitude uglier than anything you have seen so far.

Gold is headed to $1650 for starters. When it vaults, the price will move hundreds of dollars in a matter of days.

When all this began, before others, I told you via JSMineset that "This is it! "
Now I am telling you the final you know what has hit the fan. The geometric rise in gold and fall in the dollar are now at the doorstep.

Are you ready?

I am, everywhere and in every sense!

READ THIS ARTICLE:;;;;;;http://business-news.thestreet.c

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